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Gai Jatra Festival
गाई जात्रा

"Gai is 'cow' and 'jatra' is procession"

Gai jatra is a famous festival in Kathmandu especially celebrated by newar community. It generally falls in the month of bhadra. It is mainly celebrated to forget the sadness of a family due to the death that have been occurred. During the festival cow are marched into the streets and people also distribute foods.

Kathmandu is known as the main place for "Gai jatra" as it was originally originated from the king who started this festival was form this city.

This festival started a long ago when Pratap malla lost his youngest son and his wife was in great misery. Even after a million try of king the queen couldn't be happy so the king the decided that who ever makes his queen smile will be rewarded.
The cow possession was being acted after many tries by various people the queen finally became happy but the happiness was temporary so, after this day the 'Gai jatra' was celebrated. 


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